Monday, August 3, 2015

Week 13 Put on that armor of God!

Buenas tardes mi familia y amigos!

Another busy week down in the books! I am so exhuasted from this past week but it was a really good week, so there really is no room to complain. We were super busy because we have been preparing two people for baptism and have to visit them everyday to make sure that we answer all of their questions. 
Our little drawing from Family Home Evening
Last Monday was super fun because we had a Noche de Hogar (Family Home Evening) with a recent convert named Yadira and her family. We talked about over coming temptations, so we talked about how putting on the armor of God will help us with all of life`s challenges. It was super funny. We drew a picture and had everyone add the different parts of the armor. Everyone had a blast participating!
Yadira LOVES to feed us! Sometimes we get fed way too much!
Our mamita for the day told us that she was in the Coast, so we could not come to lunch. Thankfully, members the night before had given us so much food that we did not have to go buy food. Also, one of our other mamitas said that if she did that again, that we should just come eat lunch with her. Hrma Torres is the best! In the afternoon, we had an appointment with one of our investigators, Maria, for an hour and a half. She was venting because she was really struggling this week. Thankfully we were able to comfort her but we were super late to an appointment with a new investigator that we found on Sunday named Nancy. We were suppose to meet at the chapel and we were super worried that she had left. I said I quiet prayer to myself that she would still be there. When we got there, she was not there. Just as we were about to leave, she pulled up and said she was so grateful we had not left because she was running late too! Also, we have been out of Book of Mormons to give people and the Elders who are also serving in our sector randomly showed up at the chapel and we were able to get a Book of Mormon for Nancy! They said they had a feeling that they needed to go to the chapel and thank goodness they did! 

The Pope was in Ecuador! Cool right? NOT! It was awful, we were stuck in Yaruquí for 3 days and could not visit our investigators and less actives in Pifo and El Vergel. Also, when we were studying and preparing for the day, he was passing by on the main road to Quinche (we live very close to the main road) and they had a huge party all morning long. It was super distracting! Throughout the entire night, all of our members were giving us food, we were almost sick! One family gave us quimbolitos. Yadira gave us rice with plantain and fried eggs. Isabel gave us some lemon grass tea and French toast. It was super good but kind of ridiculous. 

We had our usual trip to Quito today. Our zone leaders decided to try a different way of practicing that I actually really liked. It scared me though after Hrma Molinar and I had done our part and a new elder in our zone asked me how many changes I had been in the mission and that I explained my part very well for having only been here a couple of months. It felt good to know that I was improving. Later, we had an appointment with a guy who lived way out in the boonies of San Carlos. During our appointment, he basically told us that he had no interest in progressing in the church. It was a little sad to hear that but good to know so that we did not keep trying to visit.
Beautiful Yaruqui!
We taught a man who has no religious background. It was very interesting having to change how we normally teach to explain everything clearly for him. Also, he did not like reading out loud. He preferred reading in his head, so everytime that we gave him a scripture to read, we would sit in silence waiting for him to finish. It was definitely a different experience with teaching.

We tried finding a family`s home out in San Vicente and it took us for forever but we finally found it! Sometimes it gets really hard to find these people`s homes. In the evening, we had an activity with the young women and talked about why we need to have a strong testimony during these times. It was super good and they really enjoyed it. They were also celebrating birthdays of the girls and we were invited to stay for cake but had to run because we were packed with appointments. It was a sad day ;) On our way home from our last appointment, a taxi driver offered us a free ride and thank goodness he did. There were A LOT of men out drinking so the taxi driver helped us out a ton!

Church was super good today. The tiny little chapel was packed and there were a bunch sitting in one of the classrooms and we had a bunch of people standing around the door too! It was awesome! Also, we had two less actives come who we did not think were going to come. After church, branch counsel, and lunch, we headed out to La Isla. Basically we climbed the side of a mountain to visit the less active man who came to church. We had a good chat with his family and him. Their family is awesome! Later in the evening, we were walking to an appointment when we were approached by a drunk man. Thankfully, one of our investigators happened to be nearby and came over to make sure we were ok. When he still would not leave, a random couple walking past calmed the drunk man down enough to get him to leave us alone. After the appointment, they walked us past him again to make sure that we were ok. The Lord truly does look out for His servants. 
The view from on top of Mount. La Isla (it felt like we climb a mountain to get there)
Whoop! Mexican tacos with the zone! (Hrma. Maynez y Hrma. Mortera)
We had a zone activity today and it was a lot of fun. Well, sort of... We made tacos, Mexican style, with Hrma Mortera. I helped make the guacamole. All the elders played volleyball while the sisters cooked. I will not lie, I really wanted to play but I did not! Progress, right?? 
The hermanas bought, prepared, and served the tacos! #hermanapower
This week is already packed with appointments, meetings, trainings, and everything else inbetween! It feels like we are always running and never have any time to breath! But hey, it is the life of a missionary and I would not have it any other way!

Until next time,
The Strawberry Blonde Hermana

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